BCCC Degree and Certificate Programs
The chart on the next page lists in alphabetical order every program offered at BCCC, indicating whether the program is a degree or certificate program or both. When a number of programs fit a broad category, they are grouped alphabetically under one heading.
Associate Degree: awarded for successful completion of at least 60 semester hours of academic credit in a planned sequence of learning experiences.
Concentration: a sequential arrangement of courses within an associate degree program.
Certificate: awarded for successful completion of at least 12 semester hours of academic credit in a single field or in an interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary field that provides a body of knowledge, methods of study, and practice appropriate to a subject area.
Track: a sequential arrangement of courses within a certificate program.
Note: The descriptions of Instructional Programs detail associate degree programs with semester-by-semester suggested sequences of courses and certificate programs with a list of required courses. When programs have both a degree, concentration, and certificate, the certificate program always immediately follows the degree program, even when they have different names. The number in parentheses following the program name is the Program Code number used on the College’s admissions application.
Educational Plan Manual is avaible for more information: https://www.bccc.edu/cms/lib/MD02000050/Centricity/Domain/63/BCCC%20Education%20Manual%20UPDATE%20-FALL%208-9-2018.pdf.