Arts and Sciences Transfer Degree, Psychology Area of Concentration
Psychology is a behavioral science that emphasizes the understanding of behavior (feelings, actions, and thoughts) of individuals.
Psychology, as a science, is most closely related to the biological sciences, although its application often involves personal and/or cultural philosophical beliefs or values. Students who major in psychology are expected to be able to think critically and scientifically about behavior and be able to apply the principles of psychology to the understanding of behavior.
Increasingly, highly motivated students set on careers in law, medicine, pharmacy, business, education, government service, journalism, the visual arts, music, the social sciences, languages, and other fields are finding that psychology is an excellent foundation.
Suggested Sequence of Courses
** All BCCC students must meet the College’s Computer Literacy requirements in order to receive a degree or a certificate. All first-time, full- and part-time degree and certificate seeking students are required to complete the PRE 100 course within the first six credits.