Feb 14, 2025  
Baltimore City Community College’s 2024 - 2025 Catalog 
Baltimore City Community College’s 2024 - 2025 Catalog



Liberty Campus
Main Building
Room 02

Workforce Development and Continuing Education
710 E. Lombard Street
Room 4

Baltimore City Community College has an open admissions policy. All high school graduates and holders of high school equivalency diplomas or certificates are eligible for admission. Adults not holding a high school diploma or equivalent GED diploma become eligible for degree and certificate programs after successfully completing 15 college-level credits.

Apply For Admission or Re-Admission 

To be admitted to BCCC the following steps must be completed:

1. Submit an admissions application online. Student’s who have not been enrolled at BCCC for one or more years, must submit a new application online. 

2. Submit appropriate academic credentials: 

  • An official high school transcript indicating date of graduation or 
  • General Equivalency Diploma GED® indicating scores and date of completion. 
  • An official college transcript from each college attended (if applicable) 
  • ACT and SAT scores (may exempt students from ACCUPLACER Placement Test) 

3. Students without the academic credentials above, may need to take the ACCUPLACER test if seeking an associate degree program. 

4. Students seeking re-admission to the college after an academic dismissal or suspension must follow the steps outlined in the College’s Academic Standing Policy. 


Dual Enrollment - High school students who wish to enroll in a college-level course at BCCC, must request admission to the College through their high school counselor. 

Special Admissions for Non-Dual Enrollment- Degree-Seeking Students must be age 16 or older. Students under the age of 16 must contact the Dean of Enrollment Management, or designee for consideration. 

The admissions application is available in the Admissions Office or on the BCCC website www.bccc.edu

Visiting Students 

Students currently enrolled at another college or university who wish to earn credits at Baltimore City Community College for transfer back to that college or university should obtain advance written approval from the appropriate academic department of the home college or university. Students should also bring official or unofficial copies of their transcripts to the Admissions Office to satisfy any prerequisite or co-requisite requirements. 

Students seeking admission on F-1 student visa should refer to special admissions requirements under the International Students section. 

The Testing Center

Liberty Campus
Main Building, Room 57

Multiple Measures Procedures 

Baltimore City Community College (BCCC) accepts a variety of assessment measures to demonstrate college readiness for initial course placements in math, reading/English as well as for placement in other college-level courses. The form of assessment(s), subject area, score(s), date(s), and placement recommendation(s) will be captured in the student information system for every student’s assessment. 


Initial Placement at Baltimore City Community College 

Students can demonstrate readiness to succeed in college-level courses via one or more of the options noted below. 

  1. BCCC Alternative Math and English Assessment 

BCCC Alternative Math and English Assessment, which includes writing and math assessment components, is administered through the College’s Learning Management System (i.e. Canvas) and is another form of placement testing. Students complete the writing and math assessments and based on the grading rubric, are recommended for placement in college-level or developmental math and reading/English courses.  

2. Transferable, College Level Coursework 

  • Initial placement may be based on the documented completion of a transferable college-level English (ENG) course at another accredited institution. This qualifies the student for direct placement into ENG 102 (Introduction to the Term Paper and Research Methods) or higher and all College courses with a college-ready prerequisite in English. An official transcript must be submitted showing a grade of C or better. 
  • Completion of a transferable college-level math course at another accredited institution qualifies students to register for all College courses with a college-ready prerequisite in math. An official transcript must be submitted showing a grade of C or better. 

3. Degree from an Accredited College or University 

  • Initial placement may be based on the documented receipt of a degree from an accredited college or university. This qualifies the student for direct placement in ENG 102, college-level math courses and all College courses with a college-ready prerequisite. An official transcript must be submitted showing a grade of C or better. 

4. SAT or ACT Tests 

  • An SAT Critical Reading or Evidence-Based Reading and Writing score of 480 or higher qualifies the student for direct placement into ENG 101 (English Writing) and all college courses with a college-ready prerequisite in English.* 
  • An SAT Math score of 530 or higher qualifies the student for direct placement into college-level math courses and all College courses with a college-ready prerequisite in math.* 
  • An ACT Composite score of 21 or higher qualifies the student for direct placement into ENG 101, college-level math courses and all College courses with a college-ready prerequisite.* 

* Subject to change based on College Board scoring policies. (Collegereadiness.CollegeBoard.org)  

5. Advanced Placement (AP) Exams 

  • An English Language score of 3 or higher qualifies the student for direct placement into ENG 102 and awards the credits for ENG 101. Completion of AP English without taking the AP exam qualifies the student for placement into ENG 101.* 
  • A Calculus AB or BC score of 3 or higher qualifies the student for direct placement into MAT 141 (Calculus II) and awards the credits for programs requiring MAT 107 (Modern Elementary Statistics), MAT 128 (Pre-Calculus I) or MAT 140 (Calculus I) only. * 
  • All other AP Exam scores of 3 or higher qualify the student for college credits based on the equivalent course at BCCC * 

* Subject to change based on College Board scoring policies. (APhighered.CollegeBoard.org

6. High School Achievement 

  • Placement into credit-bearing English and mathematics courses may be determined by overall high school Grade Point Average (GPA).  English Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) students must have exited ESOL instruction by Grade 11 to demonstrate college-ready English Language proficiency. Graduation from high school in the last five years with at least a 2.5 overall high school GPA qualifies the student for direct placement in ENG 101 and all College courses with a college-ready prerequisite in English.  High school seniors may be placed using their high school GPA current through the fall semester of their senior year. Graduation from high school with a grade of C or higher in Honors English qualifies the student for direct placement in ENG 101. 
  • Graduation from high school in the last three years with at least a 2.5 overall high school GPA, including successful (C or better) completion of Algebra II within the same period, qualifies the student for direct placement into college-level math and all College courses with a college-ready math prerequisite.  High school seniors may be placed using their high school GPA current through the fall semester of their senior year. 

7.  High School Transition Course 

  • Successful completion of a high school transition course in English within the last five years qualifies the student for direct placement in ENG 101 and all college courses with a college-ready prerequisite in English if the student received a C or better in the transition course. 
  • Successful completion of a high school transition course in math in the last three years, qualifies the student for direct placement in college-level math and all college courses with a college-ready math prerequisite.  

8. College Level Exam Program (CLEP) Which CLEP and SCORES 

  • Information regarding CLEP tests and fees may be obtained from the Testing Center. BCCC offers CLEP examinations only for courses which parallel those found in the college’s catalog, including credit-level math and English courses. A current list of CLEP examinations for which Baltimore City Community College will grant credit is listed in the BCCC catalog or can be obtained from the Testing Center.  The chart below indicates which CLEP tests in English and math earn students college credit as well as direct placement into courses in those disciplines. 

CLEP Exam Equivalency

Composition and Literature ACE Recommendations
Exam Title Credit Granting Score (C-Level) Semester Hours    
American Literature 50 3 ENG 200 3
Analyzing and Interpreting Literature 50 3 ENG 205 3
College Composition 50 6 ENG 101 & 102 6
College Composition Modular 50 3 ENG 101 or 102 3
English Literature 50 3 ENG 200 3
Humanities 50 3 HUM 202 3
Mathematics ACE Recommendations
Exam Title Credit-Granting Score (C-Level) Semester Hours    
Calculus 50 4 MAT 140 4
College Algebra 50 3 MAT # GE 3
College Mathematics 50 6 MAT 125 3
Precalculus 50 3 MAT # GE 3

9. Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) 

  • PLA is conducted through an evaluation process PLA can be assessed in many forms, such as a portfolio assessment, credit by examination (e.g. CLEP Exams or Departmental Exams etc.), or even by Articulated Industry Credits (e.g. CISCO Certification, etc.). 

10. Standardized Placement Exam SCORES 

  • ACCUPLACER:  a computer-adaptive assessment designed to evaluate students’ skills in English and Mathematics. ACCUPLACER at BCCC is comprised of two sections. Students are asked to complete 20 questions in mathematics and 25 questions in English. Students may also retest once after 48 hours if they feel that they have not done their best. The assessment is untimed and upon completion of the assessment, students’ scores are immediately available.  

TOEFL: tests are English language proficiency assessments often required for admission if a student’s country is not an English-speaking country. The tests provide adman accurate measure of a student’s ability to use and understand the English language in the classroom. 

Accuplacer Placement Testing 

Students attending BCCC for the first time and intending to enroll in a degree or certificate program must take the College’s ACCUPLACER skills assessment test before being advised by an academic adviser and registering for classes. Preparing for the ACCUPLACER test is one of the most important things a student can do to ensure success in college. The score on this test of reading, sentence skills, and mathematics skills determines college readiness. Students who prepare/study for the ACCUPLACER test tend to score higher than those who do not. 

Information for ACCUPLACER review is available online at www.bccc.edu/testcenter

To schedule an appointment for the ACCUPLACER test, visit www.bccc.edu/testcenter.  Students must present a picture ID to test in the Testing Center. 

The following students may be exempt from taking the ACCUPLACER:

  1. Students who score a minimum of 530 in Math, 480 in Verbal, and 480 in Writing on the SAT or at minimum composite score of 21 in Math and 21 in Language on the ACT;  
  2. Students transferring credits in English and mathematics from other colleges, after their transcripts have been received and evaluated by BCCC’s Office of Admissions; 
  3. Students who are not seeking an associate degree or a certificate and have not accumulated 15 or more credits; 
  4. Students who are seeking a certificate program that does not require English, Reading and Mathematics as a prerequisite; 
  5. Students who have a degree (Associate of Arts, Associate of Science, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science or higher) from an Accredited higher educational institution. 

Placement Testing 

Foreign-born students whose first language is not English must take the Level of English Proficiency (LOEP) placement test (English as a Second LanguageL ACCUPLACER) at the Testing Center. For more information, call 410-986-5434. 


Credit-by-Examination is available through the College’s own departmental exams and through the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) as alternatives to taking courses or to earn credits for other collegiate or “life” experiences. Contact the Testing Center and individual academic departments about specific department exams or departmentally approved CLEP exams. The total number of credits earned through examination and/or transfer may not exceed 45. 

Computer Literacy Test 

Credit-by-Examination is available through the College’s own departmental exams and through the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) as alternatives to taking courses or to earn credits for other collegiate or “life” experiences. Contact the Testing Center and individual academic departments about specific department exams or departmentally approved CLEP exams. The total number of credits earned through examination and/or transfer may not exceed 45. 

Departmental and Examinations for Students from Other Colleges 

Departmental Exams are administered for on-line courses and make-up examinations at the request of faculty for BCCC students. Students are encouraged to schedule test appointments online. 

Distance Learning Examinations are for students from other colleges who would like to have their test administered at BCCC. Students must request that the primary institution submit the examination to the Testing Center by email at testcenter@bccc.edu. These examinations are administered by the Testing Center staff. Students are encouraged to schedule test appointments online at www.bccc.edu/testcenter. For further details, please call 410-462-7666 or email testcenter@bccc.edu.

Early College Access/Dual Enrollment for High School Students

Liberty Campus
Main Building, Room 02

High school students must submit an admissions application to BCCC and provide documentation of high school enrollment (transcript) participation in a Maryland state approved home school program.  As well as complete and submit the participation agreement, 

Various dual enrollment courses are available for high school students in alignment with Maryland state guidelines, college policies, and articulation agreements.  Students must meet the criteria for their dual enrollment program of interest.   

The award of high school credit based on BCCC coursework is arranged through a student’s high school and does not involve the college in any way. 

International Students

Liberty Campus
Main Building, Room 02


BCCC follows the admissions standards for international students recommended by the American Association of College Registrars and Admissions Officers. 
International Students applying to BCCC must: 

  • Follow the regular admissions procedure. 
  • Direct all correspondence to an International Student Advisor: international@bccc.edu.  Students and/or their representatives can schedule an appointment to meet by phone, virtually, or in-person at: www.bccc.edu/international  
  • Submit the BCCC Statement of Financial Support and Address Verification Statement. 
  • Optional: Submit to the International Student Advisor complete, official, and translated transcripts and support materials from all secondary schools and universities. All overseas college transcripts must be evaluated by an accredited evaluation service to receive transfer credit.) Students should order a course-by-course evaluation of postsecondary colleges and universities from a current member of NACES (www.naces.org).  The evaluation agency must send all transcript evaluation reports to: BCCC Registrar, 2901 Liberty Heights Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21215 or registrar@bccc.edu 
  • International students living in the United States must apply at least 60 days before the beginning of classes. The application deadlines for students living outside the United States are: April 1 for summer term, June 1 for fall semester, and October 1 for spring semester 
  • Students who are applying to change their nonimmigrant status should consult with an immigration lawyer to review the deadlines and process to file the Form I-539 to USCIS and schedule a meeting with an International Student Advisor at BCCC. 

English Proficiency: International student applicants whose first language is not English must provide proof of English proficiency, per the guidelines listed at www.bccc.edu/international.  Students should have official test scores sent to BCCC directly from IELTS, or TOEFL, or take the ESL ACCUPLACER Placement test.Students have the option to start an academic program or may be referred to participate in BCCC’s English as a Second Language (ESL) Pathways Program to complete ESL before transferring to a fulltime academic program. International students enrolled in BCCC academic programs must maintain a full-time course load (at least 12 credits, of which at least 9 credits meet in-person or hybrid).  International students enrolled in the ESL Pathways Program must take all 12 credits in-person or hybrid. 

Military Service Members, Veterans and Dependents

Liberty Campus
Main Building, Room 07

The Veterans Services School Certifying Official (SCO) is in the Admissions Office and provides information on educational benefits to eligible veterans, active-duty members, reservists, national guard, and dependents.  The SCO is also responsible for processing of educational benefits for eligible students. Advisement and information on Veteran Affair work-study opportunities are also available.To establish and maintain eligibility, the student must: 

  • Complete the admissions process, making certain that an official high school transcript/ GED® certification and college/military transcripts are on file with the Admissions Office 
  • Take the ACCUPLACER and Placement tests (if applicable) 
  • Bring DD214 for new applicants
  • Bring copy of the Certificate of Eligibility 
  • Request Joint Service Transcript to be sent to BCCC 
  • Enroll in an approved program 
  • Be prepared to pay by personal check, money order, cash, credit card, financial aid, advance payment, or deferred tuition loan (if available) 
  • Bring a copy of the paid bill to the SCO 
  • Report all program changes to the SCO Take only those courses required for completion of the chosen program 
  • Report withdrawal from any courses or from the College to the SCO Maintain satisfactory academic progress. 
  • If using Federal Tuition Assistance, request the course on the Tuition Assistance portal 7-30 days before course starts. 

NOTE: Failure to follow these procedures will result in delays of VA certification and will place benefits in jeopardy. 

Students Transferring to BCCC

Liberty Campus
Main Building, Room 02

BCCC welcomes transfer students. After the Admissions Application is received, the Registrar’s office evaluates all courses which students seek to transfer to BCCC. Credit is granted for General Education Requirements and courses applicable to a BCCC associate degree or certificate program. 

General Transfer Policy 

It is the policy of Baltimore City Community College that students who have successfully completed college level courses at a regionally accredited college or university will receive credit toward an associate degree or certificate. In addition, exemption from relevant placement tests will be granted. The total number of credits that may be allocated toward an associate degree is 45. The credits awarded for a certificate is half of the total required hours. Students can earn up to 30 of these transfer hours through transfer of nontraditional credit. BCCC may award transfer credit from regionally accredited institutions and from institutions that are candidates for regional accreditation. Course work completed at degree-granting and non-degree- granting higher education institutions that are not regionally accredited but hold national or specialized accreditation recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and/or the Council for Higher Education Accreditation may be considered for transfer credit on a case-by-case basis. 

PDF transcripts may be sent via email to registrar@bccc.edu or submitted to Baltimore City Community College, Registrar’s Office, Room MNB 08, 2901 Liberty Heights Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21215. 

Transfer to Home College or University 

Students currently enrolled at another college or university who wish to earn credits at Baltimore City Community College for transfer to that college or university should obtain advance written approval from the appropriate academic department of the college or university they now attend. Students should also bring official or unofficial copies of their transcripts to the Office of Admissions to satisfy any prerequisite or co-requisite requirements. 

New Student Orientation

Liberty Campus
Main Building, Room 02

All first-time students enrolled in a degree or certificate program are required to participate in New Student Orientation. Students may choose to either attend a session in-person or online. Students will be provided with engagement opportunities to connect with college leadership, faculty/staff, support services (from multiple divisions),  other incoming students, and be introduced to on campus resources that will aid to the student’s success while in college.

Registrar’s Office

Liberty Campus
Main Building
Room 08

Workforce Development and Continuing Education
710 E. Lombard Street
Room 4

The Registrar’s Office is responsible for maintaining students’ academic history, transcript evaluation, processing requests for official transcripts, grade positing, and processing graduation degree audits. See the most recent Schedule of Credit Courses for registration dates, schedule adjustment dates, and procedures for registration.  

Registration Guidelines 

Students may register for credit classes during any regularly scheduled registration period. Registration dates and times are listed on the Baltimore City Community College (BCCC) Website www.bccc.edu under the academic calendar, by calling the Registrar’s Office at 410-462-7777, or by email registrar@bccc.edu. 

Students may also register for noncredit courses during normal hours of operation. Note: payment is due at the time of registration. 


These are the two methods of registration: 

Register in Person 

Students may come to campus to register for courses. First, students must meet with their assigned academic advisor or with an advisor at the Student Success Center. Students complete a registration form with the guidance of their academic advisor. The registration form must be signed by the advisor and taken to room 8 in the Main Building to be processed. 
Afterwards, the student will receive a schedule and bill. 

Register Online 

With online registration, students can register for BCCC courses on a computer at home, at work, on campus, or anywhere that has an internet connection. New and continuing BCCC students who have completed new student orientation, are in good academic standing, and have satisfied all pre-requisites (including developmental courses) can register online by following these easy six steps: 

  1. Access the BCCC student portal: https://www.bccc.edu/Page/4724 
  2. Log in using your myBCCC login information 
  3. Click Register for Classes 
  4. Select the term and press Continue 
  5. Browse for courses using keyword, CRN, or from a previously created plan 
  6. Once a section is chosen, click ADD 
  7. Once ready to register for the chosen section, click Submit 

A video walkthrough of the process 

Student Records

Liberty Campus
Main Building, Room 08

BCCC fully complies with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974, Public Law 90- 247, as amended. A more detailed version of these rights is printed in the General Policies section of this Catalog. Transcripts must be ordered online through the National Student Clearinghouse. Go to www.bccc.edu/transcripts for more information. Transcripts will not be released if there is an outstanding financial obligation to the College. 

As a student, you have the following rights with respect to your education records under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA): 

  1. The right to inspect and review your education records. 
  2. The right to request amendment of your education records to ensure that the records are not inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of your privacy. 
  3. The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information and education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. 

Semester Grades

Students can obtain semester final grades after posting by visiting the BCCC “Student Portal” website at: https://www.bccc.edu/Page/4724